The fip virus **Read below about our experience with the treatment of FIP**
FIPFIP is a mutation of the Corona virus. The feline coronavirus (FcoV) is a harmless virus that only causes mild diarrhea. However, it can happen that the virus mutates to create the deadly variant called FIP. 80 to 90% of the entire cat population will come into contact with the coronavirus in their lifetime. Only 1 to 3% of all these cats will eventually develop to FIP. Until recently, once cats have developed FIP, it was always a death sentence. The FIP virus can penetrate into inflammatory cells and multiply. This allows the virus to spread easily and quickly throughout the body. Inflammation occurs everywhere, which can cause the first symptoms, depending on the organs first affected. Since this can develop differently in every cat, establishing a diagnosis is sometimes difficult. Cats can excrete the coronavirus through feces, saliva and urine. Other cats, in turn, can absorb it through the mouth or nose. Every cat can therefore come into contact with this harmless coronavirus and have some diarrhea from it, but not every cat develops FIP.FIP itself is therefore not contagious. There are 2 forms of FIP. The wet form. This is the acute form in which small blood vessels leak fluid and free fluid is created in the abdominal cavity and/or chest cavity. This fluid is often yellow and thread-pulling (due to a high protein and fibrin content). Cats with this form of FIP are very sick. They often have a high fever and a big belly. They can be stuffy if there is fluid in the chest cavity. The dry form, This is the chronic form in which small inflammatory foci appear in various organs throughout the body. Common organs are the liver, kidneys, eyes and brain. Symptoms are diverse - not every symptom has to occur. Bad food FeverBad coatLush/sluggishnessPoor growthWeighteningEye infectionsFat full stomach due to fluid in the abdomenFitness due to fluid in the chest cavity Yellow mucous membranes and skin if the liver is affected Vomiting and diarrheaEpileptic seizures, if there is inflammation in the brain. sometimes behavior changeNystagmus film (eyes moving back and forth) How is FIP diagnosed? Antibodies against the coronavirus can be determined through blood tests. The so-called "titer". This test only shows whether the cat has been in contact with the "harmless" coronavirus. Not whether it concerns the dangerous FIP variant. In addition, various values are examined that increase the suspicion of FIP. Gamma globulinsBy means of blood tests, it is possible to determine whether there is a chronic inflammation in the body. A certain proportion of the inflammatory proteins (especially gamma globulins) in the blood will rise. Unfortunately, this is not specific for FIP because this fraction can also be increased in other chronic inflammations. Below is a blood result of a very high gamma fraction in a cat suspected of FIP. Anemia (anaemia) Lymphopenia (low number of lymphocytes) Hypoalbuminemia (low albumin content) Elevated bilirubin, ALT and Bile acids (liver values) Elevated urea and creatinine (kidney values) ) A combination of these values and the symptoms ensures that the suspicion of FIP is increased, however, until now the diagnosis can only be definitively made after an autopsy on the organs and tissue.
Can FIP be treated? Until now, treatment of FIP was not possible. However, through research, a treatment has now been found that gives promising results. Unfortunately, this is not yet freely available through the vet and therefore very expensive. The process of getting it legally through the vet takes a long time. Estimated 2 to even 5 years. The studies were done by UC Davis in America. The treatment is intensive and lasts 12 weeks. After the 84 days, there is still 84 days of monitoring to see if the cat continues to do well. After this period, the cat is declared cured. Because the studies have only been going on for a few years, it is currently not clear whether and what side effects there are. That of course takes time. Since FIP has a fatal outcome in cases of non-treatment, we have chosen to take on the "challenge" and opt for the medicine. Extensive info, personal updates from Dr. P. and all studies of Dr. Pedersen and his team regarding FIP. >CLICK<
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ZenByCat is dedicated to raising awareness and money to find a cure for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). > Click click< The drug GS-441524 The drug GS-441524 is very expensive and not yet commercially available through the vet. The treatment (dose) depends on the cat's weight and whether the cat has neurological symptoms. Mutian brand has the medication we use. The duration of treatment is 12 weeks. It is an antiviral drug that stops the doubling of the FIP virus. The cat can then handle the infection. After 12 weeks the infection has been overcome and blood tests will be able to show that the values have recovered. We hope that the product GS-441524 will become available to every cat and cat owner in the near future.
Our experience with the treatment of FIP We already have some experience with the treatment and we are very enthusiastic about how it works. November 1, 2019 one of our kittens One in a Million Love at First Glow aka Elana was diagnosed with FIP. Because of the symptoms she had we were already afraid of it and unfortunately it was confirmed by the blood test. At that time Elana was 3.5 months old and already completely "ready to leave" to go to a new home. Sterilized, fully vaccinated, in possession of her pedigree, passport, etc. Unfortunately you are suddenly given the choice because what should you do in such a situation? Falling asleep is the very last option for us, so I decided to opt for the treatment. On Saturday, November 2, we received the first medication and we started the treatment at 10 p.m. The medication we use is from the Mutian brand. This brand has pills, capsules and liquid for subcutaneous use. Since relatively large pills are a challenge to give to a small kitten, I chose to opt for the liquid. Every day we have to give 1 injection. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal. When it comes to the dry or wet variant of FIP, a minimum of 5 mg per kilogram of body weight is required. The neurological and ocular form needs a higher dose, namely from 8 to 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. Elana was very behind in weight and growth, she had anemia and a high fever before we started the treatment. Below we keep a "treatment diary".
Saturday November 2, 2019 - day 1 Today the medication arrived. Once received, we had to wait for an easy time to start. It is important that the injection is given at the same time every day. You can move something in time, but this has to be done gradually. The medication must be given every day within 23 to 25 hours from the previous medication moment. This way you prevent a relapse. You should also NEVER lower the dose. Even if the cat would lose weight and, according to the calculation, now need less medication. Only adjust the medication upwards is the advice. We have chosen to take the time at 10 p.m. to administer the medication. It is also feasible to be able to give the medication on time with the holidays approaching. If necessary, we can slowly shift the medication time a little bit more towards that period so that we do not have to be home at 10 p.m. sharp when we are away from home in December. Elana weighed 1,210 kg and started on 0.4 ml injections. The agent burns a bit, which makes it important to administer it properly in one go. Care must also be taken that no liquid comes back out. It is known to cause ulcers when applied to the skin. You can reduce the chance of this by washing/cleaning the skin in that area after giving the injection. 16.00 39.5 degrees 22.00 the first injection 0.4 ml GS-441524 The first injection went well, during the entire treatment she receives clavaseptin (2 x 1/2 tablet of 50 mg) to support and to prevent secondary infections originate. She also gets b12 injections for 5 days because of the anemia she has (starts November 1st) and then 1 x a week. The fever is supported with metacam if necessary. Video of Elana before the start of the treatment.
Sunday 03 November 2019 - day 2 The day started fine, no more fever and a much more active kitten. Unfortunately it didn't go well later in the day and Elana had a huge undertemperature. She couldn't keep herself warm so I put her aside in a crate on a heat mat. I slept with her at night to make sure she wouldn't deteriorate further. The heat has done her good and she slowly warmed up again. 11.30 37.9 1.220 kg 15.30 Clavaseptin 1 tablet catosal 0.5 ml 18.00 36.4 bench with heat mat at 38 degrees 21.00 37.8 just loose 21.15 37.5 temperature drops without help 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.4 ml Monday 04 November 2019 - day 3 The night on the couch in the bench on the heat mat has done Elana good. I set the mat to 35 degrees because otherwise she would remain/become restless. From 7:30 am I put her back with the other one and she fell asleep together. Of course she temperatured a lot to see if she could maintain her temperature now. Fortunately it went well. There are snuggle safes in a few places so she has an extra warm place if she wants it. The pricking is sometimes painful because the agent burns. I always reward her with some canned food. 06.30 37.8 1.240 kg 07.30 38.0 measured loose after 1 hour so keep temperature better 11.30 38 loose -> stable and eat well 15.20 37.6 loose, snugglesafes added, walks around asks for food 17.30 38.1 20.00 clavaseptin 1 tablet catosal 0.5 ml 22.00 38.1 Mutian GS-441524 0.4 ml loose, interested in playing, prick without problems - painful Flash from day 3, what a difference after a few pricks.
Tuesday November 5, 2019 - day 4 Elana had a great day today. To help her keep the temperature as stable as possible, there are snuggle safes in several places. She eats fine and lies comfortably together with mom Eleanor, Spot & the sisters6.00 38,014.00 38.7 18.00 38.5 clavaseptin 1 tablet catosal 0.5 ml eats fine22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.4 ml 1.270 kg loose, after the jab rewarded with wet food23.45 38.3 snugglesafes as an extra at nightWednesday 06 November 2019 - day 5The temperature is occasionally a bit higher than desired, but she manages well without medication. The appetite is fine and she shows interest in playing.10.30 38.8 16.30 39.3 19.30 39.1 Clavaseptin 1 tablet catosal 0.5 ml 1.310 kg 22.00 39.3 Mutian GS-441524 0.4 ml Thursday 07 November 2019 - day 6 Unfortunately, a high fever that cannot be controlled with metacam or prednisone injection after a vet visit. Reduced the ambient temperature as much as possible to help her lower the temperature. Her behavior is still fine.06.15 40 metacam high fever! behavior normal eats fine11.00 40.3 metacam does not work heating lower12.00 40.3 14.15 40.1 prednisone injection vet visit 1,370 kg16.00 39.7 clavaseptin 1 tablet 20.30 38.5 22.00 38.5 Mutian GS-441524 0, 4 ml Friday 08 November 2019 - day 7 Yay! The first week is over, 11 more weeks of treatment to go. Elana is doing very well. What a difference in a few days. The temperature remains a concern, but as long as she is doing well, this is seen as a "side issue". The plan is to support her where possible. 06.30 40.7 metacam 07.15 40.4 10.00 39.7 12.00 40 15.00 40.2 clavaseptin 1 tablet prednisone injection 17.00 39.9 22.00 39.4 Mutian GS-441524 0.4 ml she is more active again and was behind her tail again at. eat fine, firm belly, play around with my hands
Saturday 09 November 2019 - day 8 A fever all day long but otherwise she is doing well. The dose of the medication even has to be adjusted upwards. From 1,210 to 1,470 kg and a happy-looking kitten.. to be continued.09.30 39.9 metacam 13.00 39.2 clavaseptin 1 tablet 1.470 kg gains weight!17.00 40.1 prednisone injection today a less sick impression 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0 .45 ml dosage adjusted due to higher body weight Sunday 10 November 2019 - day 9 Not much has changed regarding her temperature at the moment. It remains considerably too high, although she doesn't seem to be bothered by it herself. She plays, eats and drinks normal amounts. 11.00 39.9 12.00 metacam 15.30 39.6 22.00 39.8 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.45 ml Monday 11-11-2019 - day 10 The day started without a fever, but unfortunately it came back quite quickly. It is not visible that she has a fever. She is playful, cheerful and asks for food. She's starting to get pranks again and has been climbing on the counter for weeks! Since the medication to lower the fever does not help, we have decided to only give it for the time being when it gets really high. Otherwise we just watch it. 11.00 39.2 14.00 39.4 21.30 40.2 clavaseptin 1 tablet metacam, it is not visible that she has a fever.22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.45 ml she climbs on the counter again! Tuesday, November 12, 2019 - day 11 Fever again today, but she still doesn't show it. She is currently standing still in weight, she plays fully.10.30 39.1 20.30 39.8 clavaseptin 1 tablet 22.00 40.4 metacam Mutian GS-441524 0.45 ml 1.460 kg stands still in weight Wednesday 13 November 2019 - day 12Hair temperature seems to be getting a bit more stable. She even gets busy with moments and jumps after her own tail. Eating does them good.10.30 39.6 15.30 39.2 clavaseptin 1 tablet 22.00 39.3 Mutian GS-441524 0.45 ml Thursday, November 14, 2019 - day 13The temperature remains stable, occasionally still over 39.5 but not so worrisome anymore. From now on I temperature her a lot less because she obviously doesn't like this very much.12.00 39.6 22.00 39.3 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.45 ml nice and playful Friday 15 November 2019 - day 14Yes, another week has passed ! The treatment seems to be working very well. She is no longer inferior to her sister. Plays a lot, demands attention, eats well and allows the treatment well. She sometimes doesn't even seem to notice the daily injection, but is of course rewarded every day with something tasty. Still 10 weeks to go...10.30 39.0 22.00 39.2 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.45 ml Below a video of day 14 Watch and judge for yourself whether the medicine works or not, the progress is enormous.
Saturday November 16, 2019 - day 15 Elana continues to move forward, today below 39 degrees! 11.00 38.9 22.45 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.45 ml Sunday 17 November 2019 - day 16 Today it was time to run flying and climbing again. Chasing a fishing rod, playing with cracker balls and ping pong balls. They fly through space. Giving the injection today was a bit more sensitive than most days, luckily she didn't feel it for long and she was playing & eating again quickly. Giving a can of wet food around the time the injection is due works wonders.22.00 39.4 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.45 ml Monday, November 18, 2019 - day 17 In the meantime, quite a bit of weight has been added. Elana now weighs 1,630 kg. We started 17 days ago at 1,210 kg. Almost 1/3 of her starting weight has already been added. Furthermore, her temperature today is fine at 38.5 degrees. 16.00 38.5 22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.48 ml (a slightly higher dose due to increased weight) Tuesday 19 November 2019 - day 18 No details today. Elana is doing just fine. Her behavior is similar to that of her sister Luma, so we continue in this way. 16.00 clavaseptin 1 tablet 23.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.48 ml Wednesday 20 November 2019 - day 19 Yesterday the medication time was slightly later than usual due to an appointment I had late in the evening. As can be seen in the time on Monday, I had already taken this into account to prevent problems. Elana is feeling well and has no fever 22.30 38.5 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.5 ml Thursday 21 November 2019 - day 20 Elana is very playful and loves fishing rods and moving toys such as the butterfly in the movies. 22.00 38.9 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.5 ml Friday 22 November 2019 - day 21 The limit of 3 weeks of treatment has now been reached. No fever for over a week she is doing very well. Of course an update in the video below. Have a look and judge for yourself. Do you see the improvement? 9 weeks to go. 22.00 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.5 ml
Saturday, November 23, 2019 - day 22 Since Elana is visibly doing well, I bother her as little as possible with medication and annoying measurement moments. 22.00 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml Sunday 24 November 2019 - day 23 She has gained some weight again. It is now less hard than the first period. The dose does not need to be increased yet. 16.00 clavaseptin 1 tablet 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml 1.690 kg Monday 25 November 2019 - day 24 Today she is doing fine and she is playing a lot. 22.00 clavaseptin 1 tablet Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - day 25 The most difficult day in giving the medication so far. The injections make the skin thicker (scar tissue), making it more difficult to give the medication quickly. Unfortunately today in 2 times, but we were able to administer the full medication. 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml Wednesday, November 27, 2019 - day 26 A great day. The medication also went well. 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml Thursday, November 28, 2019 - Day 27 Oh how mad she is at me around 10 pm. She shows it clearly with a lot of sound. Fortunately, it worked and she didn't give a kick herself when administered. After each injection she gets something tasty that she loves and she is right in front of the "row" even when she has just had the shot. 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml Friday, November 29, 2019 - day 28 Already 4 weeks working on the treatment. She is very good at finding hiding places. During the day it doesn't matter much to her, but as soon as it's about 10 pm the alarm bells go off with her. Today I used a towel which made the medication a little better than the day before. She is also doing very well. During the day I don't really notice any difference between her and her sister who also lives here. 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml Saturday, November 30, 2019 - day 29 Today at 23.00 pricked what was enough with just a towel over her. 23.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml Sunday, December 1, 2019 - day 30 A liquid snack on the floor and while she was snacking on it, she was able to prick without any effort. With 1,710 kg, there is also some weight and she is doing just fine. 22.20 Mutian GS-441524 0.50 ml 1.710 kg
Monday, December 2, 2019 - day 31 Today the first blood sample was scheduled after the start of the treatment. It is expected that the values could be even worse than before. This is also reflected in the studies. From 5 weeks of treatment, an increasing line can generally be seen in the blood values. Elana now weighs 1,740 kg and has been given a small sedation so that the blood draw went smoothly. A number of values are determined in the clinic itself. The rest will be determined by the lab, of which we will receive the results later. 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml 1.740 kg WOW!! We are so happy with these first results. The greatest improvement usually only occurs in the last 30 days of treatment. Elana is doing great. It is now our fingers crossed that the lab results may also positively surprise us.
Elana looks stable, so there are no special featuresTuesday, December 3, 2019 - day 32 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - day 3322.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Thursday, December 5, 2019 - day 3422.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Friday December 6, 2019 - day 3522.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Saturday December 7, 2019 - day 36 Already 5 weeks on the treatment. Giving the injection is getting more and more difficult but otherwise she is doing fine. The weight will remain around 1.70 kg for the time being. 22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Sunday, December 8, 2019 - day 37 It was difficult today, wasted a full dose for the first time due to the enormous resistance. She did have the medication on a 2nd attempt.22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Monday, December 9, 2019 - day 3822.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - day 39 Today was not going well. The needle didn't go through the skin, was blunt. Finally it worked with a new needle. Fortunately, I was able to administer the full dose. 22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Wednesday 11 December 2019 - day 4022.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Thursday 12 December 2019 - day 4122.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml 1.710 kg the weight is currently lingering.Friday 13 December 2019 - day 42 Yay! Another milestone reached, we're halfway there! Today it went off without much effort. 22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Saturday, December 14, 2019 - day 43 Due to the delivery of one of our cats that I couldn't leave alone, she exceptionally received her jab later today. Fortunately, the administration went without any problems.23.45 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Sunday 15 December 2019 - day 4422.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Monday 16 December 2019 - day 4522.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Tuesday 17 December 2019 - day 4622.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - day 47 Today another weighing moment after giving the medication for today. And guess what, she's arrived again. Elana now weighs 1,900 kg! Her medication will be adjusted upwards from tomorrow. She is doing fine and when she is not angry with me (because of the jabs) she is very active and playful.22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.51 ml 1.900 kg she is gaining weight again!
Thursday, December 19, 2019 - day 48 The dosage has been adjusted upwards. Elana had arrived safely again, which meant that 0.51 ml was too little.22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlFriday, December 20, 2019 - day 49Medication today a little earlier than usual. She was sleeping wonderfully on the scratching post, making it easy for me to give her an injection without resistance. 21.45 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlSaturday 21 December 2019 - Day 5022.45 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlSunday 22 December 2019 - Day 5123.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlMonday 23 December 2019 - Day 5222.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlTuesday 24 December 2019 - day 5323.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlWednesday 25 December 2019 - day 54 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlThursday 26 December 2019 - day 55Slightly later for Christmas23.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlFriday 27 December 2019 - day 5622.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlSaturday 28 December 2019 - day 5722.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 mlA short video from today (28-12-2019) Elana is having a great time playing.
Sunday, December 29, 2019 - day 58 A small amount of medication (0.3ml) has gone over her fur, washed the area well as a precaution and then given the full dose. 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.57 ml Monday December 30, 2019 - day 59 Elana has gained weight! The dose has been increased again. Shooting was difficult today. 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml 2.060 kg Tuesday 31 December 2019 - day 60 Moved to a separate room for the cats due to unrest due to the fireworks. Elana, Mama Eleanor & sister Luma are sitting there together. 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Wednesday, January 1, 2020 - day 61 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Video from day 61, she thinks it's fine in the room upstairs.
A boring week for the "treatment diary" but that's good news of course. We are slowly counting down. The end of the annoying stinging is in sight. I'll be glad it's over and Elana even more so. She's been letting it go just fine for the past few days. A bit of grumbling is allowed, but she understands that she gets something tasty and always sits in the same place so that I can give it to her. Thursday, January 2, 2020 - Day 62 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Friday, January 03, 2020 - Day 63 22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 mlSaturday, January 04, 2020 - Day 64 22.45 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 mlSunday, January 05, 2020 - day 6522.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 mlMonday 06 January 2020 - day 6622.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 mlTuesday 07 January 2020 - day 67 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 mlWednesday 08 January 2020 - day 6822.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 mlThursday 09 January 2020 - day 69 22.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 mlFriday 10 January 2020 - day 7022.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml 10 weeks left 14 days to go... Saturday 11 January 2020 - day 71 22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Sunday 12 January 2020 - day 72 23.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Monday 13 January 2020 - day 73 23.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Tuesday 14 January 2020 - day 74 The poking didn't go well today flawless. A little (no idea how much exactly) went over the fur as she jumped away. I cleaned her well on her back with plenty of water to prevent it from becoming a sore. I have not given her the dose again as I do not want to give too much. We are already so far in the treatment that it can no longer be so bad. 23.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - day 75 Today, blood was taken from the vet for the last check-up during the treatment. Of course, this is followed by at least 1 more check after the 12 weeks "waiting period". Elana didn't just let it go and continued to resist despite the sedation she got. She is a feisty aunt but that is of course also a good sign. She currently weighs 2,050 kg so that is stable for the time being. The dosage remains the same for the last few days. Now fingers crossed for a very nice blood result. 22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml
The results of day 75 were not quite as we had hoped. The 2 left results are tests done in the clinic. These are completely fine. (The PT on the result is different because of the way the blood is drawn) The right result is from the lab. This is of course slightly more accurate, but we cannot explain the deviations. The differences between the 2 tests are huge. At FIP we naturally look at the overall picture and specifically at A/G ratio, proteins, albumin & globulin values.
Some of the shots needed for the treatment
fip treatment with Mutian
Mutian - the injectable variant
Thursday January 16, 2020 - day 76 Elana is doing well. The above video was made today (16-01-2020) on day 76 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Friday 17 January 2020 - day 77 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Saturday 18 January 2020 - day 78 22.45 Mutian GS -441524 0.62 ml Sunday 19 January 2020 - day 79 23.00 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Monday 20 January 2020 - day 80 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Tuesday 21 January 2020 - day 81 22.30 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Wednesday January 22, 2020 - day 82 38.8 degrees (for control) 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Thursday January 23, 2020 - day 83 Because the lab result of 75 days did not match the results of the clinic itself we decided to take blood again and to choose another lab. This way we know for sure whether Elana is indeed doing well and if we can stop after the 84 days of injections. 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62 ml Friday January 24, 2020 - day 84 !!!! The day we have been working towards for 12 weeks. The date that seemed endlessly far away but we have now made it. After the strange result of 75 days, I am somewhat reassured with the 2nd blood test that we had done. The values just look good. Elana behaves normally and there is nothing else to notice about her. Now we enter the exciting next 12 weeks, namely the "monitor" period. 22.15 Mutian GS-441524 0.62ml
Oh how happy we are! It is of course very exciting to make the decision whether you dare to stop the treatment. However, this result looks fine, so I have decided not to extend the treatment unnecessarily. We have treated 84 days and are now entering the exciting period. Another 12 week countdown... hope that Elana is indeed healed and can grow up worry-free from now on. Saturday, February 8, 2020 - day 84 14We are now already on day 14 and she is doing so well. She certainly doesn't come to me on her own yet, but with the temptation of treats I can pet her again, which she clearly enjoys again. Below a video of (Thursday 6 February) day 12
Thursday, February 13, 2020 - day 84 20 I don't think it's going that well. Elana is calmer and does not come off the scratching post without encouragement. Also, her appetite seems less than I'm used to from her. I put her food on the scratching post with her to make sure she eats something and doesn't get sick from having an empty stomach.Monday, February 17, 2020 - day 84 24Unfortunately... my hunch was right. Elana has a massive relapse/relapse. I found her today on the floor of the room. She is unable to walk and seems to have lost the strength of her paws. (Especially the front legs seem affected.) Looks like she currently has the neurological variant of FIP. The video below was made the moment I found her on the ground. The growl that can be heard is from "fear", she does not know what is happening. Although it looks very nice, Elana is not in pain. 38.2 degrees
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 - 84 25 39 degrees measured at the vet. The blood tests already show that the values have changed enormously and are cause for great concern. Elana has also been fully checked. A possible accident is ruled out by means of X-rays. Her A/G values have now dropped to 0.57, this was 1.13 on day 82 of the treatment
For comparison the last 2 lab results side by side. Day 82 of the 1st round of treatment and now stop after 25 days and she has a relapse.
Since communication with Mutian is difficult, I have not yet started treating Elana again. Despite the fact that in my view she is clearly having a relapse, the company is questioning it. For example, Mutian asks to have an MRI done on Elana. This is something that we ourselves do not like at the moment and do not find it useful at the moment. Medication against FIP only works with FIP. If she shows that she improves when she gets the medication, we don't think an MRI is necessary. She also needs to be under anesthesia for an MRI. Investigating all stress and necessary risks, we always want to spare her as much as possible. Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - day 1 Mutian only wants to send the medication in pills after consultation with the Mutian doctors and not the injectable variant that Elana also received earlier. The injectable variant has the property that it is quickly absorbed, which is precisely recommended in neurological FIP. I feel like I have to struggle a lot to get the medication that Elana is entitled to (it's a guarantee). I hope I can start taking the pills soon. Because it is now underway and I still had some of the liquid left from the first lap, I myself decided not to lose any more precious time and start. 3 pm 1.2 ml mutian injection It is clear to me that the medication is immediately effective again! Movie of worst 12 hours after the 1st injection again
Thursday 20 February 2020 - day 2 15.00 400mg mutian (2 pills of 200mg) given. She also gets convalescence support as extra nutrition. Today's video below
Friday 21 February 2020 - day 3 3 pm 400 mg Mutian capsules. 0.5 ml catosal The medication went in with great difficulty. Saturday 22 February 2020 - day 4 3 pm 400 mg Mutian capsules 0.5 ml catosal Giving medication was difficult, she bit me. Sunday, February 23, 2020 - day 5 Unfortunately, another serious setback. She was walking a lot better the days before. Unfortunately she can no longer walk and now also has loss of strength in her hind legs. The appetite is gone. Since I suspect that this is because the capsules are less easily absorbed by the body than the injections, she will also receive an injection today instead of the capsules. 15.00 hours 1.2 ml injection Mutian The injection went smoothly, she ate independently again in the evening. Monday, February 24, 2020 - Day 6 3:00 PM 1 capsule 0.62 ml by injection. Unfortunately, giving the pills is difficult. She has broken 1 capsule, so I still administered the dose via injection. Tuesday 25 February 2020 - day 7 3 pm 1 capsule 0.62 ml by injection. She has bitten another capsule. She is beginning to sit a little straighter and more stable. Wednesday, February 26, 2020 - day 8 3 pm 1 capsule is completely successful, the other has partly arrived. As soon as she bites the capsule it enters her mouth. It's bitter, which makes her spit everything out. She is walking around a bit (shaky). Thursday, February 27, 2020 - day 9 3 p.m. 2 capsules with moisture from Almo natural wet food. After long discussion and even after getting personal advice from Dr. Pedersen of UC Davis tells Mutian that they are still not convinced. They are now willing to provide the medication as long as she continues to improve and blood tests are done monthly. The first 10 days we get capsules, the medication after that (also on the advice of Dr. Pedersen) will become the injectable liquid. I have medication for 1 day, hopefully the pills will be delivered soon. Friday, February 28, 2020 - day 10 3 p.m. 2 capsules with moisture from almo nature wet food Elana starts playing again and that after 10 days! As can be seen in the video, she is excited but is far from regaining control of her body. Slowly she is getting stronger and she is doing her best to walk again.
Saturday, February 29, 2020 - day... not a full dose
3 pm 1 pill -> unfortunately the mail did not deliver, she only had half a dose
Sunday, March 1, 2020 - day ... not a full dose
3 pm 1 pill -> the mail did not deliver, again only had a half dose
Monday, March 2, 2020 - day ..
3pm injection 0.62ml against Mutian's advice in a full dose of the injectable variant given what I had left over from round 1. I see a huge difference in the way the injections and the pills work (at this point in the treatment) the injections are absorbed much better.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - day 11
21:00 400 mg almo moisture
The medication has finally been delivered! Fortunately, we can continue with the treatment. A pill, rinse with a little moisture from a can of almo wet food is enough to make the hair swallow
Her balance is getting better
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - day 12
21:00 400 mg (2 pills of 200 mg) with some almo fluid
Thursday, March 5, 2020 - day 13
21:00 400 mg (2 pills of 200 mg) with some almo fluid
Friday, March 6, 2020 - day 14
21:00 400 mg (2 pills of 200 mg) with some almo fluid
she was on top of the bench!
Saturday 7 March 2020 - day 15
21:00 400 mg (2 pills of 200 mg) with some almo fluid
she feels solid and gets stronger, but still walks low to the ground
Sunday 8 March 2020 - day 16
21:00 400 mg (2 pills of 200 mg) with some almo fluid
Monday, March 9, 2020 - day 17
8.30 pm 400 mg (2 pills of 200 mg) with some almo fluid
2,590kg!! she jumps on the bench and walks around
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 - day 18
9 pm 400 mg (2 pills of 200 mg) almo water
Wednesday 11 March 2020 - day 19
9 pm 500 mg (3 pills, 2 x 200 , 1 x 100) the dosage is up! almo water
Thursday 12 March 2020 - day 20
9 pm 500 mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
Friday 13 March 2020 - day 21
9 pm 500 mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
Saturday, March 14, 2020 - day 22
9 pm 500 mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
Sunday 15 March 2020 - day 23
9 pm 500 mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
Monday, March 16, 2020 - day 24
9 pm 500 mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
2.790 kg blood tests Elana went very well with gabapetin
Tuesday 17 March 2020 - day 25
21.00 500 mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
the blood results are in, Elana is doing well! This gives hope....
after 24 days of treating the relapse
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - day 26
10pm 500mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
Thursday 19 March 2020 - day 27
10pm 500mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
Friday 20 March 2020 - day 28
10pm 500mg (3 pills, 2 x 200, 1 x 100) almo water
Saturday 21 March 2020 - day 29
10 pm 400mg (2 x 200 medication is on the way) almo water
Sunday 22 March 2020 - day 30
10 pm 400mg (2 x 200 medication is on the way) almo water
Monday, March 23, 2020 - day 31
11 pm 1.65ml injection, medication from hongkong receive the injectable variant
Tuesday 24 March 2020 - day 32
11 pm 1.65 ml injection
Wednesday 25 March 2020 - day 33
11 pm 1.65 ml injection
Thursday, March 26, 2020 - day 34
11 pm 1.65 ml injection
Friday, March 27, 2020 - day 35
11 pm 1.65 ml injection
Saturday, March 28, 2020 - day 36
11 pm 1.65 ml injection
Sunday, March 29, 2020 - day 37
11 pm 1.65 ml injection
Monday, March 30, 2020 - day 38
11 p.m. 1.65 ml injection, she seems a little wobbly
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - day 39
11 pm 1.65 ml injection
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - day 40
11 p.m. 1.82ml injection (new medication requested)
3.030 kg!
Thursday, April 2, 2020 - day 41
11 pm 1.82 ml injection
unfortunately no answer from Mutian yet, started on the last bottle....
Friday, April 3, 2020 - day 42
11 p.m. 1.82 ml injection.
Still no response from the Mutian vet which will leave me without medication again. Extremely poor service as interruptions are bad during treatment and can trigger a relapse.
Saturday 4 April 2020 - day 43
11 pm 1.82 ml injection
unfortunately this was the last one and now I'm without medication again
Sunday, April 5, 2020 - day / NO MEDICINE DELIVERED
Monday, April 6, 2020 - day / NO MEDICINE DELIVERED
Tuesday, April 7, 2020 - day / NO MEDICINE DELIVERED
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - day / NO MEDICINE DELIVERED
Thursday 9 April 2020 - day 44
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
medication delivered, treatment has been restarted
Friday, April 10, 2020 - day 45
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Saturday 11 April 2020 - day 46
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Sunday 12 April 2020 - day 47
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Monday 13 April 2020 - day 48
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 - day 49
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - day 50
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Thursday, April 16, 2020 - day 51
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Friday 17 April 2020 - day 52
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Saturday, April 18, 2020 - day 53
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Sunday 19 April 2020 - day 54
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
Monday 20 April 2020 - day 55
10 pm 1.82 ml injection
3,200 kg, ultrasound and new blood test done which went perfectly through gapabetine
For the guarantees and to be entitled to medication in the event of a relapse, Mutian requires various examinations and monitoring moments. These are blood tests but also ultrasounds as shown below. Elana has been fully checked for abnormalities, luckily the ultrasounds were good.
The blood results were also in order, we got the green light to stop treatment and start the waiting period.
Tuesday 21 April 2020 - day 56
10 pm 1.88 ml injection hopefully the very last!
We stop the treatment after 8 weeks. Elana has done very well and seems to have recovered completely. Hopefully the virus has now really been dealt with completely and she can enjoy a good life.
Because the waiting period lasts 12 weeks, I only mention the days below on which there is something to report.
on day 19 she has sores on her lip, these are swollen what looks like herpes.
day 20 doesn't improve, checkup tomorrow
day 21, vet check, 3.35 kg, no fever for 5 days novadox
The waiting period went well.
On Tuesday, July 14, 2020, the 84-day waiting period will be over. Elana is officially FIP free!
blood results after the 84-day waiting period
What a long road we have endured. When I relapsed after the first round, I did ask myself whether I had made the right choice, but I am now so happy and proud that I took on this challenge. Elana what a tough guy, what a great example for many other cats and owners. Do not give up on the diagnosis of FIP . This treatment is intensive but is really worth it. You can often see the cats recovering within a few days. As I write this it is almost November 2020. One year after Elana's diagnosis. A year after normally the only thing that seemed possible was her falling asleep. And look now... 1 year later healthy, grown into a beautiful sweet sturdy cat with a spicy character. I receive many messages with questions about the treatment and how Elana is doing now, feel free to send an email. If you are looking for treatment help, I will help you get in touch with the right people. Besides Mutian, there is another reliable alternative brand called SAK. This is only available in injectable form. This brand does not provide a guarantee in the event of a relapse, but is many times cheaper, making treatment more affordable. **Please note, I am not a vet, I do not provide medication myself. Everything is written from my own experience.** Update October 31, 2020 1 year after the diagnosis of FIP for Elana. She is doing very well, she is enjoying herself and is healthy.
after 2 rounds of treatment Elana is cured !!
The medication SAK
As can be read above, I myself have treated with the Mutian brand. This was the only means I could obtain at that time. However, this is something I would not choose again even though it does work. Behind the Mutian brand is a great deal of marketing. The price is extremely high. I paid 325 euros per bottle and the service leaves much to be desired.
Now, to our delight, more is possible and several reliable brands have been added. Brands that achieve the same results, are ready for questions and offer good service. In addition, SAK is much more affordable with the current price of €59 for a bottle.
Support group for the Netherlands and Belgium
Fortunately, the possibility of treating FIP is becoming more widely known. Almost every day I receive emails and I refer people or provide information where possible. Because a nice community has now arisen, I would also like to refer to the support group on Facebook.
Within the group, as much information as possible about the treatment is provided. You can also go there for tips, support and medication.
Take a look by clicking on the image below