When purchasing a kitten and the first checkup of your animal by the vet, you will receive advice regarding worming your animal. Since worms can be zoonotic and therefore contagious to humans, deworming schedules are recommended. However, we are NOT in favor of it! The normal schedules look like this; at 3 weeks of age, 5 weeks of age, of 7 weeks of age, of 9 weeks of age, of 11 weeks of age, of 13 weeks of age, of 4 months of 5 months of 6 months, then 4 times a year. A lot of medication to give to a young animal and also completely unnecessary. You cannot combat worms preventively. A worm or parasite can only be tackled when it is actually present in the intestines. If this is not present, giving medication is not useful and can even disrupt the intestinal flora. What are we doing? We do not deworm as standard. We periodically test our animals by collecting faeces and have this examined in the laboratory. If a bacterium, parasite or worm is found, we can provide targeted treatment. If nothing is found, we do not give medication. We test our animals; harmful bacteria parasites giardiatritrichomonas fetus coccidiosis worms More information about this way of deworming / controlled use of medication? We are happy to provide more information. Pay attention! After testing or treatment with medication, it is possible that the animal will contract another infection the day after (or after a few days). So be aware of this.